Python-rdma is an open source project that provides an interface to the Linux RDMA stack from the Python language.

t is an amalgamation of the functionality contained in the Open Fabrics Alliance packages libibmad, libibumad, libibverbs, libibnetdisc and infiniband-diags.

A new API was developed for this library that is designed to take advantage of Python features and provides a very uniform, integrated design across all the different aspects of IB and RDMA programming. It has a particular focus on ease of use and correct operation of the IB and RDMA protocol stacks.

Included is a re-implementation of a substantial portion of the infinband-diags package. This re-implementation is functionally very similar to infiniband-diags but also gains a number of new features:

The library itself is intended mainly for applications where quick development is more important that the highest performance, such as:

The module is written entirely in Python and only relies on external system libraries to provide ibverbs functionality.


Review the documentation.

Watch the OFA 2011 presentation and read the slide deck.

Release Announcement